Since I was a teenager I struggled with depression and all its symptoms: low mood, lack of motivation, chronic fatigue, etc. Which were all lumped together as being a symptom of the same cause. Then when I was 25 I finally found an effective treatment plan, but the chronic fatigue still lingered. It was rare for a day to go by without needing to take a nap, which really interfered with my new motivation to pursue my interests. After doing some research and consulting with my ND we did the RMA IgG Food Sensitivity testing. After eliminating and reintroducing all the suspects, I found eggs were responsible. It's been a year now and my life has been so full with school, exercise, dance, and social commitments; there'd be no way I could keep up if I still had the immobilizing need to nap.

I went to see an ND after being diagnosed with MS, I had loss of feeling & strength in my legs & right arm. He suggested a do a RMA Food Sensitivity test, inflammation is a major trigger for MS & with my food sensitivity results I have been able to avoid foods that would cause inflammation. In the last 2 months I have since regained feeling & strength in my legs & my right arm has almost returned. RMA testing I feel was a big factor in helping my smart food choices to better my situation.

I'm so glad I took the advice of my Naturopathic Doctor and took the food sensitivity test with Rocky Mountain Analytical. I was a bit hesitant at first, but my ND took the time to give me a detailed explanation of the benefits of this testing, and she was right. The RMA testing honed in immediately on my specific dietary problems and provided me with a roadmap for getting my diet and health back on the right track. So far I've lost over 35lbs and I feel stronger, healthier and more energized than I have in years. Thank you RMA!

I had been having issues with IBS-D for a 4-5 yrs. My Naturopath suggested having IgG Food Sensitivity testing done. It identified several reactive foods for me and by avoiding those foods my IBS is significantly improved. My life is so much easier not always having to wonder where the closest washroom is at all times!

The FST test was a lifesaver - I am a ND Mom and very diligent with our daugthers health - eating very clean, taking healthy supplements and getting lots of fresh air yet still my 3 year old severely struggled with constipation! I was stumped - she already didn't eat gluten, sugar or dairy - she was on supplements for gut motility and even restoralax but we were not getting to the root of the problem - We did the FST test to find out she was sensitive to egg white, almonds and oats - our favourite foods - we cut them out and 3 days later the screaming stopped, the belly aches stopped and we were on route to a healthier gut!!! Sometimes even Dr. Mom needs a little help... from a lab test!

My testing honestly saved my life. I was suffering from such horrible migraines I had no idea what to do. I had tried everything. EVERYTHING and everyone. Finally I saw a Naturopath Doctor who thought it might be food. I said I'd had allergy testing done and everything was negative. She suggested testing my blood and WOW! 48 hrs after cutting out my reactive foods, I felt human again. 6 years later I am still here and now studying nutrition to help others like me. It's amazing how much suffering is from food sensitivities.

I had struggled with irritable bowel for so many years. It bothered me even when I didn't have stress. My naturopath suggested elimination testing or your IgG test. For me it was a no brainer. I didn't want to spend any more time winging it. I wanted clear results.
I got those clear results in a timely manner and together my naturopath and I have made a plan and my health is back on track. I'm sleeping better, I'm happier and I haven't missed work from an IBS day in more than a year! I am so grateful for the testing and getting my belly back. Thank you!

I took the RMA 200 FST. I didn't have anything majorly worrisome about my health. However, after removing the top 5 offending foods for 2 months, the little white bumps at the corner of my mouth were gone. They had bothered me for 10 years! I was constantly picking at my skin, resulting in scars. I gave up on those little white bumps and I just accepted them. But now they're gone! After doing some food re-introduction, I now know that the culprits are dairy and almonds. Who would have thunk?! Thanks so much RMA!

My testing honestly saved my life. I was suffering from such horrible migraines I had no idea what to do. I had tried everything. EVERYTHING and everyone. Finally I saw a Naturopath Doctor who thought it might be food. I said I'd had allergy testing done and everything was negative. She suggested testing my blood and WOW! 48 hrs after cutting out my reactive foods, I felt human again. 6 years later I am still here and now studying nutrition to help others like me. It's amazing how much suffering is from food sensitivities.

Constantly sleeping and feeling like breathing was exhausting because I was so run down everything hurt which wasn't considered normal for a woman my age... I went to my first naturopath and she had me tested for food sensitivities... We thought for sure It was going to come back with wheat, dairy or chocolate... gladly I am fine with those!!! What I am sensitive to is cranberries, bananas, broccoli and almonds amongst other things - I said "almonds?!?! I don't eat them" ( it had scored really high). My naturopath asked if I used almond milk and I had, daily in my smoothie!! I switched to cashew and coconut milk and cut out the other items that I scored sensitive to... and have my energy back.. my body no longer aches and I find it tough to even take a nap as I have a new found abundance of energy !!!

About 5 years ago I was experiencing extreme eczema on my face including my eyelids. At that time I excluded wheat and dairy and it got better. Since then I have still not felt quite right even after switching to a basically Paleo/Keto way of eating. I used the 200+ food sensitivity test and found out many other types of food that were affecting me. Using this list I adjusted my diet to test out these new discoveries. I figured out that green peas are a huge no no for me! They made me sick and wheezy not long after trying them out. I am still working through the list and testing them out but it have been an amazing too instead of guessing!

I'm so glad I took the advice of my Naturopathic Doctor and took the food sensitivity test with Rocky Mountain Analytical. I was a bit hesitant at first, but my ND took the time to give me a detailed explanation of the benefits of this testing, and she was right. The RMA testing honed in immediately on my specific dietary problems and provided me with a roadmap for getting my diet and health back on the right track. So far I've lost over 35lbs and I feel stronger, healthier and more energized than I have in years. Thank you RMA!
Do you have a story? Tell us yours!
How has Rocky Mountain Analytical testing benefited your health and well-being?