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Although the word pollution conjures up images of oil spills and smokestacks spewing toxic chemicals into the air, the fact is we are exposed to subtle sources of pollution every day. Long-term exposure to low levels of environmental pollutants produces vague symptoms making the cause more difficult to determine. Symptoms such as irritation of eyes, nose and throat, skin rashes and other skin irritations, disrupted hormone function, headaches, nausea, anxiety or depression, fatigue and drowsiness, have all been linked to household chemical exposure.

Here are 10 ways to help you remove the chemical perpetrators from your home and lower your risk of many common health concerns associated with these environmental pollutants.

  1. Switch to natural beauty products that don’t contain the toxic cosmetic chemicals or make your own. Visit our DIY page on the recipe hub for a variety of recipes.
  2. Replace your plastic food storage containers with glass. Avoid using any plastic at all if you can, however, this is maybe harder to do in today’s busy society.
  3. Cook fresh food. Researchers have found that a three day ‘fresh food intervention’ could reduce BPA in study participants’ urine by 65% [Environ Health Perspect. 2011]. Plus there are other benefits to your health like better nutrition and easier weight management.
  4. Trade-in your vinyl shower curtain for an environmentally kinder fabric one, which won’t pollute the indoor air like off-gassing.
  5. Avoid fragrances and perfumes. Essential oils are a great alternative as they are naturally fragrant botanicals with numerous benefits.
  6. Make your cleaning products. It’s easy, fun, and will look good on the pocketbook to make non-toxic cleaners from safe and effective ingredients like vinegar and baking soda. Need recipes? We’ve got you covered at the recipe hub DIY page.
  7. Take off your shoes before entering your house to avoid tracking in oils and chemicals from the street outside.
  8. Dust with a microfibre cloth or wet cloth and vacuum your house regularly with a HEPA-filter vacuum.
  9. Open a window. Even as little as a few minutes a day can improve indoor air quality.
  10. Say no to receipts unless you need them.

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